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Media Kit
Media Pass Policy
Santa's Wonderland media relations courtesy ticket program is designed to give working journalists an opportunity to experience and cover Santa's Wonderland. The following information is meant to serve as a guideline to help members of the media determine who may be eligible for considerations.
Print Media: Assignment Editors, News Editors, News/Travel/Entertainment/Family Reporters, News Photographers, Publishers, and Managing Editors
Broadcast (Television and Radio) Media: Assignment Editors, Planning Editor, News Producers, News Directors, Anchors, Reporters, News Writers, and Videographers
Social Media and Online Media: Bloggers, Freelance Writers, Editors affiliated with established news organizations or online publications
Policies and Guidelines
All requests must be made by email. Faxes, social messages, and phone calls are not accepted. Please submit your request at least two weeks prior to your visit.
Employment will be verified on all requests to check for full-time status and position being news/editorial. Once verification has been made, an email will be sent to the requestor with directions on how to enter the park.
A photo ID (driver's license, passport, etc.) must be shown in order to receive your tickets. Tickets can only be picked up by the requestor.
For Media Pass consideration, please email:
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